Registration Process
In this section we explain the registration process to you, in the last few weeks we have began migrating to a new software package that enables parents and carers the ease of registering and booking places from the ease of one simple app.
To register with the club you will need to head to:
To download the app:
On Android:
On IPhone:
First steps are to make an initial enquiry with us, via email letting us have the following:
Your child / children’s name/s
Name of parent / carer
Contact information for you
Which club you are interested in and on which days (Breakfast / After School or both).
If we have a space available we will:
Advise accordingly (or advise roughly where you might be on any waiting list)
You will be invoiced monthly in advance for the days you have booked and will be given 14 days for payments to be made.
Payments should be made via BACS and childcare vouchers can be used . More information can be found under Times and Prices.
Please note:
Places in Breakfast and After School Club are booked for the Academic Year during term time. As we manage the booking of these places they will not show as bookings in your Cheqdin online account.
If your place is booked we do fully understand that on odd occasions (illness, holidays or just simply not needing Club on a particular day,) you may cancel but in order that your place is consistently reserved for the duration , no refunds are given for days not used. We will, of course, NOT charge for rare days we are unable to operate (e.g. should we have to reduce numbers due to covid / staff absence).
Some occasional adhoc places may be available on days that are less busy (but only if we get notified of a cancelation).
You are responsible for booking Holiday Club (when released as available) online. If you can do so, please book at least a week in advance for Breakfast Club so we can manage our staff rota and food requirements. We do understand that last minute bookings can and will sometimes be unavoidable.